Sunday, 15 February 2009

Time Flies by..

It really does, and it always surprises me! Before my work placement I was stuck in lecture wishing for the clock to fast forward, but nowadays I find it hard to just get a hold of things and get a grip on my bearings! Time really is whizzing on by.

What I wanted to say in this blog was that I finally gave up with my self-struggle in waiting for the N97 to be released at the end of March, and so I have now upgraded onto the Nokia E71! I've always had my eye set on it but then the 5800 came in and that went away, then came the N97..but then that craving expired and so I unveil the news of my great upgrade! (Now I have no excuse of forgetting anyone's birthday as this phone keeps me organised)

Time's flying by and I really don't know what I do when I get home..clearly it's hasn't been blogging..Look at the last time I blogged, it was at the beginning of this month, and now we're half-way through. AHA! More news, I NOW WEAR GLASSES!! haha! that should add the extra 5% in my nerdiness to boost it up to a healthy 90% on my friendster account lol.

With the little time I managed to get I updated my Links page on my website with two new links before I got dragged away into something.

That's all I have to say for now, drop me a line and visit my site at

All the best,


  1. I feel your pain on the time flying by front! Tis crazy at the moment and I know that in a flash my degree will be over and I will be thrown into the "grown up" world! arghhhh!

    Glasses~ surely geek chic?! lol :)

    Keep up the hard work! And when I get down and dirty with my site I will hit u up for some advice!

  2. yo ren ... how's it going man?
    come say hello to me sometimes! :D
    I'm at uni on Friday 1-5 in a workshop for the first yrs!
