Sunday, 26 April 2009

jusRen Update

Hello Friends,

Jeez! It's been well over a month since I last post! I'm so sorry about that guys, I've definately had a lot on my plate recently, which is why when I first checked my blog and noticed how overdue I was on a blog, I almost choked on a pretzel!

After a lot of friendly nudges/ elbowing and a lot of support, help and enthusiasm I am finally pleased to report that I have finally added the Media section to my website. You will also notice that I have replaced replaced this page over the Skills page that I use to have. I done this because I felt that the information there was a bit C.V-ish and didn't really tell a lot about myself, and from what I listed on that page had already been covered and explained on the About me page. Please check out my new page and let me know what you all think, don't know who will actually check it but a lot of feedback will be very much appreciated. Yes, I know I only have one video up there at the moment. I am scrambling through my PC to find my second year projects that I would like to share with you all. So, please stay tuned for more media updates with :)

All the best,

1 comment:

  1. yo Ren~ :D
    Red is a digital camera producing 4K raw footage. Pretty cool. and Salek Production lol always welcome SuperRen~ and they even have special projects pending for him~!
