Saturday, 20 June 2009

Been a While...

Hey Guys,

It sure has been a long time since I last posted, and a lot has happened in my life since then. Like what I hear you ask? I've bought a car, I am now a proud owner of a Volkswagen Polo and proud! I am also nearning towards the end of my gap year and work placement. I feel that as time draws closer towards the final day, the more I will feel prepared to move on and complete my third and final year. I want to congratulate my classmates who graduated without me, I know I was there with you guys but your thoughts and friendship kept the connection alive.

My website re-design is still near the top of my to-do list. Probably work on it between my last day at work and before I go back to university (Note to self* Find out next years timetable).

I am pretty anxious to get back to the student life and finding out what the new subjects are like, especially the two options I picked which were Internet security and some sort of web design course (can't really remember the name but I think that's the jist of things).

Stay posted and enjoy the Summer =)

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

Bring on Third Year!

Hey Guys,

Just got home from my Signal Processing Electronics exam (re-take) and I must say I feel pretty good about how I done in the exam. There were a few questions on the multiple choice that had me puzzled, a few of them were numbers and if you knew the formula, all you'd have to do is just use the formula with the given figures and see if the answer was in either A, B, C or D. Cheap I know but hey! What ever gets me the marks, as long as it's not rule-breaking then I'm not complaining.

Exams are over, and all I have to focus on is completing my placement year, getting my car and I'm all set for third year. I really don't want to be using public transport for third year, especially for filming assignments! I can recall the aches and pains my body was put through dragging filming equipment with me, wherever I went!

The weather's great, I feel great (besides the severe hayfever sneezes).

I can concentrate on looking at rebuilding my website as well (refer to my previous blog).

I'm going to make the most of this moment and play a quick NBA 2K9 match on the XBOX 360 haha.

All the best,

JusRen. v3.0

Hey Guys,

I've been thinking about this for quite awhile now and I'm slowly leaning towards the idea of re-desigining my website. I keep on making changes to the site and what-not, although it looks how I want it too, the way it has been constructed and assembled feels unstable and something that has just been cobbled together.

I will be looking first for a wallpaper and work from there (wallpaper is where i always start from) I'll either make one or get permission from DeviantArt members for their permission. That's also another collaboration I admire, if you use another persons' material (with a persons' permission, I cannot stress that enough!) but then you can also link to them and vice versa, thus creating your first link in a forum of networks.

The changes won't be made anytime soon, I'll be working locally before making the changes all go live at once.

You heard it here first guys!

JusRen v3.0

Stay Tuned!

Monday, 1 June 2009

Loves So Real Cru

Hey Readers,

Ren Jr here, Just thought I'd make a quick blog before I get back to revision! *SIGH* I've been watching America's Best Dance Cru recently and from Season 2 I just knew from episode 1 who I'd's that EXPLOSION..SO REAL CRU!. I think I'll have to shake off the Photoshop rust and make a banner for this group (I don't care if it sounds sad, I'M A FAN) lol. Look at one of their talented videos.

Once my exam tomorrow is done and out of the way I hope to get into fixing my website some more. Still have some content to add and some bits of media that I want to sort out and categorise on overall.

Better get back to revising *SIGH!*

Wish me luck..
