Sunday, 25 January 2009

Still Active

Hello All,

Just thought that I should make a quick blog to re-assure and let you all know that I'm still here. I've been busy with work recently and I haven't had much time to blog or make any changes to my website.

In addition, besides reading webdesign books and other web-related books, I've been reading a fantastic book from Ken Follett called World Without End. This book is absolutely captivating! A definate page turner! So much so, that I'm going to get another book of his named A Dangerous Fortune, and if this book turns out to be just as good as World Without End, then I may have to read another Follett novel! LOL.

I'm also getting my upgrade for my pay monthly phone tommorrow. What phone am I going to get? I hear you ask. Very good question, I've opted to go for the Nokia 5800. What do you guys think? Was thinking of the N97 at first but it' going to take awhile (2 months till it's out!)

There you have it guys! My latest post to keep you all up-to-date with what I'm doing and getting up to.

All the best,

Saturday, 17 January 2009


Hey There World,

If you can recall my debating over replacing the Skills page with a Portfolio one, if you take a look at my site you'll still find that my site's navigation still displays "Skills".

I really can't decide which one to pick. Skills is something that I reckon I can have on my About page and just have a bookmark placed with a link at the top of the page. (Just came up with that plan...Note to self..DO NOT FORGET!!!)

I don't think I'll be coming up with a solid decision just yet since I've got work that constantly needs taking care of. It's strange how once I get my sight up and running (well near enough running..ok ok jogging more like LOL). I'll try and get onto this as soon as possible and put my mind and site at rest and have it set.

Stay Tuned, and watch this space.

All the Best,

Monday, 12 January 2009

Good Reading

Hello Again,

For Christmas, I received a great book titled "Guidelines for Online Successs". I started reading this on Christmas, which was around the same time I wanted to put into action the new layout of my website (as it is now).

The book provides a very strong and simple foundation for web-designers alike no matter the experience. It takes a look at various aspects of web-design, navigation, content, e-commerce, layout and so much more.

I strongly recommend you either purchase this book or borrow it from your local library. I gurantee you won't regret it! Whether you're looking for ideas, inspiration or information about different topics regarding the many elements of web-design, this book will break the ice and arm you with a good insight to the good/ user-friendly web design.

What I liked most about the book was the way the information was presented. The contributor of the chapter would write the intro then the next few pages would contain screen-shots of web-sites that best portray the authors point(s). With each introduction to a new chapter, there would be good five point list of Do's and Don'ts related to the chapter, which I found pretty easy to grasp, instead of ploughing through pages and paragraphs of do's and don'ts. This book breaks information down into bitesize chunks!

A book that I'm sure to return to in the future when I want to find inspiration and information for my next layout or project.

Let me know what you all think.

Good Night,

Thursday, 8 January 2009

Blogs Best Friend

Hi Readers,

As you know I'm trying to establish a good fluidity with you guys through this good ol' blog of mine!

I've come to realise that to assist the creation of a blog, you can improve it a lot with the help of a very useful website which is The site enables you to add many functions to and from your blog like a counter of your readers and subscribers, live feed/ update from your blog to your website (take a look at my "About" page and look for "Recent Posts", and you'll understand what I'm talking about. Another function that Feedburner provides is RSS for your blog which I find to be very useful. With the web evolving a lot more and communication over the web increasing RSS makes things much easier for people to stay updated with site content.

I strongly recommend you visit Feedburner and find out for yourself what they can do for you.

All the best and happy blogging,

Monday, 5 January 2009

New Years Resolution of a Web Designer

Hello Readers,

This is a list of New Years Resolutions that I've come up with for myself as a web-designer/ developer.

  1. Don't sleep past 2am in the morning.
  2. Know who I want to pitch my website to i.e. recognising my audience.
  3. Improving my content skills.
  4. Find a better webhost.
  5. Learn some PHP.
  6. Improve CSS, HTML & XHTML skills.
  7. Learn about flash sites.
  8. Actually develop a flash site.
  9. Build up a portfolio.
  10. Have atleast 5 jobs to display in my portfolio by the end of 2009.
  11. Learn more about SEO.
  12. Utilize Adobe Illustrator.
  13. Make my website more interactive.

That's about all I can think of for the time being, hopefully I've named all that I can/ or the more important ones atleast.

What are your New Year Resolutions?

All the Best,


Sunday, 4 January 2009

New Site Online

Hey Readers,

I decided that it was time that I finally get my website online as it was long overdue and show you how I'm getting along with the new layout. You can now finally view what I've come out with so far by clicking here.

Pages that still require content are; Skills and Links. As mentioned in my previous blog both of these pages/ titles will be under review in both content and title.

Back to the subject, IT'S OFFICIAL! has begun it's process of updating it's layout.

Stay tuned for further updates.

All the Best,

Ren Q

Saturday, 3 January 2009

First '09 Post

Hello Readers,

Finally, I'm back here blogging for you all. I've been busy with a few things at home and have not found the right time to blog until now. I've now just completed my About and index page.

The other pages I have left to do are Skills, Links and Contacts. However, recently I've been looking at other web designers websites/ portfolios and discovered that their Contact page is contained in the About page along with useful links. With the Useful Links, they no longer come in a long list, instead you can have them stored on web sites such as Digg Stumble Upon and Delicious.

For those readers who were already aware of these sites, I apologize for the repition, but you guys should've told me sooner! haha.

What does this all mean for my site I hear you ask? Well, what this means is that if my contact and links page will merge with the About page, I will replace any one of them with "Portfolio" where I aim to showcase my work and projects.

I guess my navigation is yet still working out its kinks. I will let you all know of any other ideas/ decisions that I come up with.